
Exams & Cleanings

Dental Exams
A comprehensive dental exam will be performed by Dr. Beug at your initial dental visit. During regular check-up exams, Dr. Beug and your hygienist will provide the following to ensure that your dental health is thoroughly examined:
● X-rays to detect tooth decay, tumours, cysts, and bone loss.  ● Oral cancer screening● Gum disease evaluation to determine any periodontal disease● Examination of tooth decay● Examination of existing restorations
Professional Dental CleaningProfessional dental cleanings are usually performed by our dental hygienists. Your cleaning appointment will include a dental exam and the following:● Removal of plaque● Removal of tartar● Teeth polishing● Fluoride treatment

Get The Smile You Always Wanted!

We provide a wide range of preventative and cosmetic dentistry, including cleanings, teeth whitening, crowns, veneers, extractions and more. Book an appointment now and make sure to come to visit us at our newly renovated office. East End Dental-your family dental care professionals!

East End Dental provides general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry services in Regina. Dental Clinic in Regina. We accept new patients.